An Agreement between Countries Is Called

When it comes to international relations, agreements are a significant aspect of diplomacy. These agreements represent a formal commitment between countries, outlining the terms and conditions of their mutual agreement. But what exactly do we call these agreements between countries?

The most commonly used term to refer to agreements between countries is “treaty.” A treaty is an international agreement that is binding under international law, and it is usually signed by representatives of the participating countries. Treaties can cover a broad range of subjects including trade, human rights, environmental protection, and security.

However, not all agreements between countries are considered treaties. Other terms used to describe agreements between countries include “protocol,” “memorandum of understanding (MOU),” “convention,” “charter,” and “accord.” These terms often depend on the nature and scope of the agreement.

A protocol is an agreement that modifies or supplements an existing treaty. A MOU is a more informal agreement between two parties that outlines a mutual understanding of their intentions. A convention is a treaty that establishes rules and standards for a particular issue or activity. A charter is a formal document that outlines the principles and goals of an organization or government. An accord is a general agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of a relationship or transaction.

It`s important to note that the legal status of agreements between countries can vary depending on the circumstances. Some agreements may be legally binding, while others may not be. In addition, some agreements may require ratification by the participating countries` national legislatures before they can take effect.

Overall, the term “treaty” is the most commonly used term to describe agreements between countries. However, the specific term used can depend on a variety of factors, including the nature and scope of the agreement and the legal status of the agreement. As a professional, it`s essential to understand these nuances and use the appropriate term when writing about international agreements.