Agreement with Noun of Amount Example

Agreement with Noun of Amount Example: Mastering the Art of Writing with Precision

Agreement with noun of amount is an essential element in writing with precision. At its core, this grammatical concept refers to the proper pairing of nouns with countable or uncountable amounts. Without proper agreement, the meaning of a sentence can be lost, leading to confusion and misinterpretation.

To understand agreement with noun of amount, let us take an example:

Incorrect: The amount of people attending the seminar were overwhelming.

Correct: The number of people attending the seminar was overwhelming.

In the incorrect sentence, the noun `amount` is paired with the countable noun `people`. This is grammatically incorrect as `people` is a countable noun, and should be paired with the appropriate noun of amount, which is `number`. Thus, the correct sentence should have been: `The number of people attending the seminar was overwhelming`.

Similarly, another example to illustrate agreement with noun of amount:

Incorrect: I need less cups of coffee in the morning to function.

Correct: I need fewer cups of coffee in the morning to function.

In the incorrect sentence, the noun `less` is used with the countable noun `cups`, which is grammatically incorrect. The correct noun of amount that should be used with a countable noun is `fewer`. Thus, the correct sentence should have been: `I need fewer cups of coffee in the morning to function`.

By mastering the art of agreement with noun of amount, writers can ensure that their writing is clear and concise. This not only adds to the readability of the text but also helps to establish a writer`s credibility.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind when working with agreement with noun of amount:

1. Use `fewer` with countable nouns, and `less` with uncountable nouns.

2. Use `number` with countable nouns that can be counted.

3. Use `amount` with uncountable nouns that cannot be counted.

4. Avoid using `less` with countable nouns, and `fewer` with uncountable nouns.

5. Always double-check your writing to ensure proper agreement with noun of amount.

In conclusion, the agreement with noun of amount is a crucial element of writing with precision. By following the tips outlined above, writers can ensure that they are accurately conveying their intended meaning. This will lead to clearer, more effective writing, improving the readability and credibility of any written work.