Law School Dean`s List Gpa

The approximate rank percentages listed below are provided to give students an idea of their approximate rank and to provide information to those evaluating Baylor law students for potential employment. The Young Women degree may be awarded at the discretion of the faculty with awards to graduates who have successfully completed the requirements prescribed by the faculty and have achieved the following overall grade points in their law school work: Dean`s Honours and Class RankDean`s Honours List – based on TERM GPAEach fall and spring semesters, Students from each department who achieve a semester GPA, making them the top 20% of all students in their year and department, will be placed on the Dean`s Honor List for this semester. An honour list notation appears on the transcript of each student placed on the Dean`s Honour List. Class Ranking – based on CUMULATIVE fall and spring semesters, students in each law school department whose grades place them in the top 25% of their class are ranked numerically by class. Numerical rankings are only listed for students by anonymous number whose GPA meets or exceeds the 25% threshold for their department. The law school will also publish cumulative grade point average thresholds for the top 50 per cent for each class by division in five-percent increments and for the top third and intermediate third of each class by division. Degrees appear on both official and unofficial transcripts. Class ranks are calculated at the end of the first two semesters and thereafter each fall and spring semester. Ranks are based on cumulative grade point averages.

Only students who have received all their semester grades receive a class rank for the semester. (An “I” rating indicating that it is incomplete prevents filing. An “X” rating indicating partial completion of a year-long course does not preclude ranking.) Students are ranked with other students going at roughly the same pace, regardless of enrollment option or program, with the exception of the final ranking, where students are ranked with their graduating class. Students who graduate in August will be ranked with the graduation class the following January. A student`s class rank is not changed once the ranks have been calculated. Doctoral law students who achieve a semester GPA of 3.40 or higher are placed on the Dean`s List at the end of each fall and spring semester. A student must be enrolled in 6 credit hours graded to be placed on the Dean`s List. Dean`s list letters are sent 4-6 weeks after the semester grades are due. The class rank for alumni is determined after all grades for the entire graduating class have been recorded. The final rank of the class is noted on the transcript of the Faculty of Law. Recent graduates can view a final transcript on Bearweb. Students enrolled in a formal joint program of study are eligible for the Dean`s List and Honour of the Faculty of Law if they are enrolled in at least twelve credit hours assessed from either school.

Of these, at least nine credit hours must be at UNM Law School and six of the nine credit hours must be graded. Only grades obtained at the UNM Faculty of Law are included in the grading calculation of these scholarships. For spring 2022, students were divided into four ranking pools. The Dean`s List was launched during the 2012-2013 academic year at Columbus School of Law. It recognizes students based on their academic achievements in the previous semester. First-year students are recognized at the end of their first year. Students must use the exact rank of the given class in Bearweb to determine the exact percentage rank. For students graduating in January 2018 or later, Mitchell Hamline School of Law will award the following academic awards upon completion of all courses and the award of the Young Women degree: summa laude, magna laude and laude according to the following criteria. For more details on the honours, see the Faculty of Law catalogue. Due to grade changes related to the Covid-19 pandemic, students were not eligible for Dean`s Honours in spring 2020. Graduates who finish in the top 25% of their division in the final semester will graduate with distinction.

Spring 2022Dean`s List Limitations: Spring 2022 (pdf) Ranking Percentages Table: Spring 2022 (pdf) Rankings by anonymous number: Spring 2022 Regular Division (pdf)Anonymous Number Rankings: Extended Division Spring 2022 (pdf) Grading guidelines for current students can be found in the Law School Catalogue. Young Women students are organized by program and class at the end of each fall and spring semester. Class rankings are based on the GPA and are typically available 2-3 weeks after the semester grade deadline. Students will be notified by the Office of the Law Registrar by email. At the discretion of the faculty, a student who is not eligible for recognition under the above policy may receive special recognition for outstanding academic achievement at the UNM Faculty of Law.